Episode 1 - Deal     |     Episode 2 - Rule     |     Episode 3 - Noel     |     Episode 4 - Bros





Each episode of this animated mini-series is a stand alone moment in the life of "Wayne," a man with a very peculiar world view.





One night I got a call from Tony Wayne at about 2am that was all about how he thought Blockbuster should sell you any movie they had and that you should also be able to haggle for its price. It was a very weird phone call. I told him that sometimes I think he's more of a cartoon than a human, and so I decided to make that the case. Days Of Wayne was my first attempt at animation and though it's simple and quite crude, taking actual conversations and turning them into incredibly dry and awkward cartoons inspired by Tony was loads of fun.


Thanks for being so weird Tony.

-Jake Lloyd Bacon.




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Gravity. Momentum. Friction.


